Thursday 22 August 2024

Fletina & Peter Wullen - Trophallaxis


I just released a collaboration album with Belgian sound artist Peter Wullen. It's called 'Trophallaxis' and consists of two abstract longform sound collages, based on combined field recordings from Belgium and the UK.


"Trophallaxis is the exchange of food or other fluids among members of a community in social insects, such as ants or termites. It can occur through mouth-to-mouth (stomodeal) or anus-to-mouth (proctodeal) feeding." ...and like trophallaxis feeding from artists' mind-to-mind - the whirring, chatting, fighting and arguing bees are always in the background in these two abstract soundscapes from Scottish sound artist Fletina & Belgian sound artist Peter Wullen.   

Thálatta! Thálatta! (Θάλαττα! θάλαττα! — "The Sea! The Sea!"). We finally reached the Black Sea from Mount Theches (Θήχης) near Trebizond, not far from the coastal city of Trapezus. Like Xenophon in the Anabasis - we let the sounds wash over us.     

Fletina's sound sources : field recordings taken from various towns & cities throughout the UK & audio experimentation with found objects that were recorded at home.  

Peter's sound sources : beehives at Klein Begijnhof in Gent on an early Sunday morning, dripping water tab in the funeral catacombs of the Brussels/Laken cemetery, the tolling bell & priest are a sample from the epilogue of the Béla Tarr epic movie Sátántangó, translation of the priest's chant: 'the Turks are coming'.    


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